
Instructions for Authors


The paper has to contain a title, the author´s name and affiliation, the text of the paper in English or German, lists of sources and literature, and an abstract in Czech language (max. 300 words, for foreign contributors, the translation of an English abstract can be provided by the editors).

The extent limit for the paper is 15‒20 standard pages (including the sources, bibliography and possibly attachments).

The deadline for the full version of the paper is 30th September, 2018.

General issues

  • the paper should be submitted in *.doc or *.docx format, font Times New Roman, size 12 (footnotes have a font size of 10), line spacing 1.5;
  • do not use bold anywhere other than in headings and subheadings;
  • please consult with us the use of signs not included in the basic set of symbols of the Word text editor.

In-text citations

  • place shorter citations in double inverted commas (“ ”); citations longer than two lines are to be presented in a separate paragraph in size 10 and indented from the left margin the same as a regular indented parafraph, and separate from the main body of text with one free line above and below, these indented citations are written without inverted commas;
  • use the triple-dot punctuation mark with the square brackes […] for an ellipsis in the citation.

Using italics

  • use italics for emphasis; furthermore, italics are to be used for commented examples, titles of monographies and their parts (chapters, etc.), names of journals and journal entries.
  • use <–> (without gaps, not < – >, < – >, <->) for the indication of the range of volumes, pages, verses, years etc. (I–IV, pp. 356–357, 1997–1998);
  • page numbers and years write in full, e. g. pp. 325–326 (non 325–6), 1991–1995 (non 1991–5); for the centuries, use Arabic numerals.


List of sources and the structure of the bibliograhy[1]

  • include the bibliography at the end of the paper; items in the bibliography are referred to in the text of the paper using the surname of the author, year of publication, and page range if needed, the individual information must be separated using commas

(Mikulec, 2013)

(Mikulec, 2013, p. 317)

(Mikulec, 2013, pp. 317–320)

  • publications by different authors are separated by a semicolon:

(Mikulec, 2013; Ducreux, 2006)

(Mikulec, 2013, pp. 317–320; Ducreux, 2006, pp. 148, 150)

  • to differentiate among several publications by the same author with the same year of publication, use small letters a, b, c etc.:

(Mikulec, 2013a)

  • for publications with two authors, separate the authors’ surnames using the dash (–):

(Blenemann – Herbers, 2014)

  • for publications with more authors, write all citations with only the surname of the first author and the abbreviation et al.:

(Gilbert et al., 2003)


Bibliographical information in the list of sources must be structured according to the following examples:

  • monographies:

CORETH, A. (1982): Pietas Austriaca. Österreichische Frömmigkeit im Barock. 2., überarb. Aufl. Wien – München: Oldenbourg.

BLENEMANN, G. – HERBERS, K. (eds.) (2014): Vom Blutzeugen zum Glaubenszeugen? Formen und Vorstellungen des christlichen Martyriums im Wandel. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.

KALISTA, Z. (ed.) (1941): České baroko. Studie – texty – poznámky. Praha: Evropský literární klub.

  • articles in monographies:

DUCREUX, M.-E. (1999): Der heilige Wenzel als Begründer der Pietas Austriaca. Die Symbolik der Wallfahrt nach Stará Boleslav (Altbunzlau) im 17. Jahrhundert. In: H. Lehmann – A.-Ch. Trepp (eds.), Im Zeichen der Krise. Religiosität im Europa des 17. Jahrhunderts. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp. 597–636.

  • journal publications:

DUCREUX, M.-E. (2006): Několik úvah o barokní zbožnosti a o rekatolizaci Čech. Folia historica Bohemica, 22, pp. 143–177.

  • electronic documents:

Internetová jazyková příručka [online] (2008–2018). URL: <>; Stand: 29.06.2018.

  • manuscripts and early printed books:

– the titles of manuscripts and early printed books provide in transliteration, but transcribe the grapheme <ſ> as <s> (e. g. Poklad swatého …, non Poklad ſwatého …); if appropriate, the title can be shortened;

– cite manuscripts in the same way as printed monographs but after the title, write “Manuscript” (in German “Handschrift”), the official name of the owner institution (plus the English/German name of the city in round brackets) and the shelf mark of the manuscript:

[author title]. Manuscript, Národní knihovna ČR (Prague), 54 B 12.

[author title]. Handschrift, Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel), 24C7.

– the place of publication and the publisher of early printed books cite in nominative and in transcription, the place of publication in English/German, the publisher (printer) in the language of the book; it is possible to add the number of the corresponding retrospective bibliography (Knihopis, BCBT, VD, …); if appropriate, it is also possible to add the location of the copy which was consulted (in the format given for the manuscripts, e. g.:

[… title]. Prague: František Jeřábek. Knihopis KXXXXX.).

NB: It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission from the relevant library or repository for illustrations to appear in the book. Such permissions should be forwarded with your paper. Authors are responsible for paying any charges relating to the granting of permission to reproduce copyright items, and also for supplying any copies of the volume requested in the terms of the reproduction permissions. It is also the author’s responsibility to make appropriate acknowledgement of permission to use unpublished archive material, checking with the institution what form of wording is required.

[1]              See also the formal instructions of the journal Naše řeč:;.